Couples beware of bubbles

Burak is a 36 year-old man who works as a math and economics professor at university. Since he has been living in Beppu for almost a decade now, he knows every part of the city well. However, due to the burden of work, rarely has he enough time to recharge his batteries.
Once on a sunny weekend, Burak decided to take a long walk in the Beppu park despite having a heavy workload. The place was full of young Japanese families and international university students. Although he did not have a companion, he loved to see children flying kites and blowing bubbles. Perhaps this is because kids reminded Burak of the childhood memories, when the only concern of his was to have quality time with friends.
While strolling through the park, he decided to take a seat and watch children's play. When he saw a young girl and a boy blowing bubbles and laughing, all the memories came flooding back.

Burak could vividly remember playing with his first love, and this brought tears to his eyes.
"What a carefree childhood I had!", the thought of which made him go back to the old times
In fact, he remembered a popular fairytale about a lost soap princess Kumiko, whose soulmate split up with her. After the break up, Kumiko felt miserable and did not fall for anyone for the rest of her life. According to the myth, she turned the whole kingdom into bubbles for being forever single.
However, once on a moonlit night, a cute girl of 16 uttered "Dear soap princess, please make my dream come true. May the one I love, love me back". The princess fulfilled her wish, leaving in return a note: "Only 16 years will pass from now on, after which I will take your love as well as life".
Interestingly, given love life to the girl by Kumiko was equal to the girl's age. Since that, people now believe that just like bubbles, love may also disappear one day - come to an end. This story, which Burak read as a child, reminded him the hardship of having unrequited love.
Now that he is far away from his beloved friends and family members, Burak feels most alive when coming to the Beppu Park and reminiscing about the old times.