The other day, I went to a sushi restaurant called Kamesho in Kannawa. Do you know this place?? I believe this is the most famous sushi restaurant in Beppu and coincidentally it's also my favorite sushi restaurant. Every day, they're packed with customers, but still would not accept reservations. That’s why I had to go and put my name on the waiting list one hour before opening time. Luckily, I was able to get in without a hitch.

I ordered a lot of variety, from tuna, sardine, to red sea bream, and so on. Every kind of fish was delicious, however, my favorite one was Seki aji. Aji means mackerel. But just what is Seki aji??
Today, I will introduce to you what makes a mackerel Seki aji.
To qualify as Seki aji, a fish needs to satisfy some requirements.
1. It must be from a specific area between Sagano-seki (Oita city) and Sata-cape (Ehime prefecture). This stretch of water is called Hayasuino-seto. It is rich in plankton, and is thus conducive to the growth of local fish.
2. Seki aji must be caught without using a net. Nets supposedly compromise the fish and its freshness and quality.
A mackerel that "passes" goes onto the market as Seki aji. If you have the chance, please give Seki aji a try.
寿司は 美味しいそうと思います。私は絶対行きます。せきあっじ の作り方は難しい てもとてもお美味しいてす。たぶん来週に行きたいです。面白いなるてしょう。
亀正はいつも人が長い列を作っているので、私は1度しか行ったことがないのですが、ひかさんの記事を読んで、早起きしてWaiting Listに名前を書きに行こうと思いました。